Sofinanciranje polnilne infrastrukture za alternativna goriva CEF AFIF
30. 12. 2024
LPP d.o.o. je uspešno kandidiral v konzorciju, ki ga še sestavljajo ENERGETIKA LJUBLJANA, d.o.o. (vodilni partner), LUKA KOPER, d.d. in ARRIVA d.o.o., in sicer na razpisu za sofinanciranje polnilne infrastrukture za alternativna goriva CEF AFIF (CEF Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility).
Cilj razpisa je podpreti implementacijo infrastrukture za oskrbo z alternativnimi gorivi, kar bo prispevalo k razogljičenju prometa po celotni Evropi. V okviru projekta GrEn4Tran je zagotovljenih skupaj 2.994.800 EUR evropskih sredstev za izvedbo naložb vseh partnerjev – električno in vodikovo polnilno infrastrukturo, električna vozila, vozila na vodik in sončno elektrarno.
LPP d.o.o. bo postavil električne polnilnice v svojem avtobusnem depoju, hkrati pa nadgradil omrežje z dodatno transformatorsko postajo. Za omenjene naložbe ima LPP d.o.o. zagotovljenih 529.750 EUR evropskih sredstev (naložbe so financirane 50 %).
Projekt GrEn4Tran bo pripomogel k zmanjšanju ogljičnega odtisa, zmanjšanju odvisnosti prometnega sektorja od fosilnih goriv in bo zagotavljal nadaljnji razvoj, ki bo okolju bolj prijazen.
Trajanje projekta: 7. 11. 2023 – 6. 11. 2026.
LPP d.o.o. successfully applied in a consortium consisting of ENERGETIKA LJUBLJANA, d.o.o. (lead partner), LUKA KOPER, d.d. and ARRIVA d.o.o., namely in the call for co-financing of the charging infrastructure for alternative fuels, called CEF AFIF (CEF Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility).
The objective of the call is to support the implementation of infrastructure for alternative fuel supply, contributing to the decarbonization of transport across Europe. Under the GrEn4Tran project, a total of EUR 2,994,800 in European funds has been secured for the investments of all partners – electric and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure, electric and hydrogen vehicles, and a solar power plant.
LPP d.o.o. will install electric charging stations in its bus depot, and at the same time make necessary improvements in grid installations with an additional transformer. For the aforementioned investments, LPP d.o.o. has secured 529,750 EUR of EU financing for these investments (50% of co-funding).
The GrEn4Tran project will contribute to reducing the carbon footprint, decreasing the transport sector’s dependence on fossil fuels, and ensuring further environmentally friendly development.
Project duration: 7. 11. 2023 – 6. 11. 2026.