Yesterday and Today
Perfect symbiosis with the city
Ever since its beginnings in 1901, public passenger transport in Ljubljana has grown and developed together with the city and its inhabitants’ needs. Today, it represents the arteries of the city and the strongest link in caring for the environment. To be able to accomplish our mission and achieve our goals, it is extremely important for us to cooperate closely with the City Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL), the district communities and the suburban municipalities representing their inhabitants and simultaneously passengers to whom LPP provides safe, comfortable and affordable transport. The owner and founder of LPP d.o.o. is JAVNI HOLDING Ljubljana d.o.o. The core activity of LPP is the transport of passengers in the public city traffic. The auxiliary activities of LPP d.o.o. include the maintenance and repair of commercial vehicles, technical examinations, type approvals and attestation of vehicles.
Logo LPP, photo: Tamara Deu

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