LPP Identification Cards for Disabled
It is important to allow the invisible to become visible and disability change into ability.
We know that many deaf, hard of hearing, blind and visually impaired are not recognized as such at first glance and are therefore hardly to be helped on the public transport. Sometimes, they are even not noticed by drivers. Therefore, we’ve decided to gather all the important associations and organizations responsible for people with disabilities and asked them to join in the new project called “Ljubljana Public Transport Identification Card”. One of the first questions towards representatives of disabled was of course: does a person with disability want to be recognized on the public transport? Their answer was an immediate “yes” because people with disabilities in the last years changed a lot: they want to travel, visit their friends and be independent. And sometimes they want to be helped. When they choose to be recognized as a person with disability.
First identification card for persons with disabilities has been made in cooperation with Work and Job Centre Janez Levec in Ljubljana, almost four years ago. It was called "A card which will help you ride a city bus indipendently”. This first card has been designed in late 2010 and was to help persons with mental disabilities travel independently on a city bus. Parents and children with mental disabilities grew fond of this special card and started using it a lot. On the basis of the positive past experience the logical step forward was to design simple and unified Ljubljana Public Transport Identification Card for all groups of disabled people and elderly.
The “LPP Identification card” has been presented to wider audience in Ljubljana as a sustainability measure during European Mobility Week 2014.
Please, look at below identification cards, choose the right one, print it and fill it in with your personal data. When you enter the bus with the right Urbana ticket, you can show it to the bus driver if you need his help.

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Dostopne oblike dokumentov so namenjene osebam z oviranostmi.
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Dostopne oblike dokumentov so namenjene osebam z oviranostmi.
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Dostopne oblike dokumentov so namenjene osebam z oviranostmi.
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Dostopne oblike dokumentov so namenjene osebam z oviranostmi.
Polje označeno z * je obvezno.

Dostopne oblike dokumentov so namenjene osebam z oviranostmi.
Polje označeno z * je obvezno.