Information for passengers

P + R

Map of Parking Facilities and Nearby Bus Lines (use the function ZOOM IN on the right side of the mouse)

The P+R system (park and ride or park and take a ride on a bus) is a combination of private and public transport, enabling users to drive to important locations on the outskirts of the city or the main city avenues by private car or another vehicle.

  • P+R Dolgi most

On the western outskirts of Ljubljana, at Dolgi most, the price of 24-hour parking at the P+R point is €1.30. By paying the parking fee at the Urbana card machine, a user also receives two tickets for bus no. 6 but 1D , valid until 11:59 p.m. on the day on which the parking fee is paid.

  • P+R Stožice

Parking at the P+R point in the Center Stožice multi-storey car park costs €1.30 per day and you can use lines 13 or 20 to take you to the city.

P+R Fužine (or Chengdujska) - close to the crossing of Zaloška and Chengdujska street

  • The new P+R Fužine (Chengdujska) is located in the car park under the Hofer shopping centre.
  • The car park entrance is on Chengdujska street. The car park has 179 parking lots, 9 of which are for the disabled. The parking fee of €1.30 per day is paid at an Urbana card machine. Upon payment, which can be made with cash, using the Moneta system or with an Urbana card, the right to two rides by city bus are loaded on a uniform city card Urbana. The uploaded ticket schould be used on the day for which the parking fee is paid. The car park is open Monday to Friday from 12 am to midnight.
  • Next to the car park, there are bus stops of city buses nos. 11 and 25 (at Zaloška), and nos. 20 and 22 (at Nove Fužine).

Other parking areas offer the possibility of parking at other locations in the town where you can switch to the main bus lines of the LPP network, but they are not included in the P+R system therefore the payment for the parking and the bus ride is separate. Urbana card can be still used for both services.


PDF icon Map of Parking Facilities [pdf | 1,2 MB]
ISO 14001:2015 potrjuje vzpostavite in vzdrževanje sistema vodenja s področja ravnanja z okoljem OHSAS 18001 je britanski standard za varnost in zdravje pri delu in sistem za upravljanje varnosti. Njegov namen je, da bi vse organizacije, ki jih uvedejo uveljavljale varnost in zdravje pri delu. Splošno je OHSAS 18001 najbolj priznani svetovni standard za varnost in zdravje pri delu in sistem za upravljanja varnosti. ISO 9001:2015 potrjuje vzpostavitev in vzdrževanje sistema vodenja kakovosti

S prijavo na e- novice soglašate, da Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. uporabi vaš elektronski naslov za namene obveščanja o novostih, ponudbi, splošnih informacijah, povezanih z dejavnostjo, ki jo izvaja Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o., dogodkih, nagradnih igrah in drugih aktualnih zadevah ter poslovnih informacijah ter da izvaja analize o branju poslanih vsebin za lastne potrebe. Vaše osebne podatke (ime, priimek in elektronski naslov) Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. lahko obdeluje do preklica vaše privolitve.

Hkrati ste s prijavo na e-novice seznanjeni, da se iz sistema obveščanja (e-novic) lahko kadarkoli odjavite preko povezave, ki bo v vsakem sporočilu.

Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. se zavezuje, da elektronskega naslova ne bo posredoval, posodil ali prodal tretji osebi, brez predhodnega obvestila in pridobitve pisnega soglasja posameznika, in da bo vaše osebne podatke skrbno varoval v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov.

Osebne podatke o posamezniku/ici bo Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. obdeloval zgolj v okviru zgoraj naštetih namenov zbiranja.