Ljubljana, hosting EuroBasket 2013

LPP - Best way to get around Ljubljana: Public transport in Ljubljana and the neighbouring municipalities of Ljubljana is carried out by Ljubljanski potniški promet (LPP). You can ride LPP buses with Urbana card or Ljubljana Tourist Card. Price for one ride in the main area of Ljubljana (area of City Municipality Ljubljana - MOL) is € 1.20; you can travel and change buses within 90 minutes from the moment you have paid (validated) Urbana. However, a free ride to EuroBasket match is guaranteed to you (three hours before the match and three hours after the match) if you show a valid ticket of the match to the driver of the bus.

Buy and recharge card Urbana: Top-up your Urbana yellow value card or green time card (monthly ticket) via cash or credit card here: Passenger Services LPP (Slovenska cesta 56, Bavarski dvor,1000 Ljubljana, tel. 00386 (0)1 430 51 74 and 00386 (0)1 430 51 75), larger shopping centres Mercator and Spar, selected Petrol stations, green stand-alone machines or Urbanomati which can be mostly found near bus stops. No credit cards can be used at additional selling spots, so you can fill in Urbana only via money at newsagents and tobacconists,Tourist Information centres and Ljubljana Bus Station. 

Where you can find urbanomat or other selling points of Urbana? Write for example "urbanomat" in the search engine under search "iskanje" and confirm "potrdi". What you will get are the adresses of different Urbanomats or just click on »seznam urbanomatov« and you will get the whole list.

Plan your journey with LPP:  Accurate information on LPP bus arrivals is available on "Planning my route" as well as on Please, look for departure times of buses on  bus stops' schedules and bus stops' displays. If you have a Slovenian mobile phone call 090 7220 (Call costs from the Telekom Slovenia operating line is 1.0519 EUR including VAT. The price of calls from other networks provide other operators.) or use the services of LPP BUS INFO (information by sms).

Specific and additional lines during the time of EuroBasket 2013 have adapted arrivals and departures according to the schedule of matches.

Please, travel intermodally when in the city and using a car or a camper. Read more about P+R possibilities.

You can be also on time if you use your folding bike. Please, read more.

Information for persons with disabilities: 00386 (0)1 582 24 25 

General information for foreign visitors: 00386 (0)1 505 60 45 (the number will be active during the time of Eurobasket 2013)

Other important contacts of Ljubljanski potniški promet (LPP).

More about "EUROBASKET 2013" here.

We wish you a pleasant staying in Ljubljana, enjoy EUROBASKET 2013 events!



Here are the most important documents that you will need when travelling around the town:


PDF icon Map Of Bus Routes [pdf | 1,8 MB]
PDF icon LPP Map of Night Lines and Specific (Connecting and Circle) Lines during the events of "EUROBASKET 2013" EUROBASKET 2013 [pdf | 614,1 KB]
PDF icon Circle Line LPP - Operating from Sept 4th to 9th 2013 - from and to hala Tivoli to nearby parking facilities [pdf | 2,7 MB]
PDF icon Connecting & Circle Line LPP - Operating: Sept 11th to 22nd 2013-from ŠRC Stožice to nearby parking facilities /& to Hala Tivoli [pdf | 2,8 MB]
PDF icon Parking facilities and Bus Lines in the vicinity - P+R [pdf | 2 MB]
PDF icon Parking spaces for campers [pdf | 2,6 MB]
ISO 14001:2015 potrjuje vzpostavite in vzdrževanje sistema vodenja s področja ravnanja z okoljem OHSAS 18001 je britanski standard za varnost in zdravje pri delu in sistem za upravljanje varnosti. Njegov namen je, da bi vse organizacije, ki jih uvedejo uveljavljale varnost in zdravje pri delu. Splošno je OHSAS 18001 najbolj priznani svetovni standard za varnost in zdravje pri delu in sistem za upravljanja varnosti. ISO 9001:2015 potrjuje vzpostavitev in vzdrževanje sistema vodenja kakovosti

S prijavo na e- novice soglašate, da Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. uporabi vaš elektronski naslov za namene obveščanja o novostih, ponudbi, splošnih informacijah, povezanih z dejavnostjo, ki jo izvaja Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o., dogodkih, nagradnih igrah in drugih aktualnih zadevah ter poslovnih informacijah ter da izvaja analize o branju poslanih vsebin za lastne potrebe. Vaše osebne podatke (ime, priimek in elektronski naslov) Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. lahko obdeluje do preklica vaše privolitve.

Hkrati ste s prijavo na e-novice seznanjeni, da se iz sistema obveščanja (e-novic) lahko kadarkoli odjavite preko povezave, ki bo v vsakem sporočilu.

Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. se zavezuje, da elektronskega naslova ne bo posredoval, posodil ali prodal tretji osebi, brez predhodnega obvestila in pridobitve pisnega soglasja posameznika, in da bo vaše osebne podatke skrbno varoval v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov.

Osebne podatke o posamezniku/ici bo Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet d.o.o. obdeloval zgolj v okviru zgoraj naštetih namenov zbiranja.